Lilisbeth F.
Consolidated Credit TV commercials are supposed to encourage Americans to get out of debt. For Lili, it encouraged her to do that and more – she got a job at Consolidated Credit.
“I always saw the commercials, and I said, ‘Oh I want to work there.’ I always wanted to get into customer service,” she says. “Luckily I moved here and got the position I always wanted.”
Now that you’re doing what you’ve always dreamed, how is it?
“I feel very happy helping customers every day,” she says. “I have been in the same situation as these clients but the difference is, with the experience that I’m gaining, I now know how to control my credit card spending and how to spend my money. I’m now able to share my experiences and opinions with the clients. Having an account here is also a plus.”
How did you get into debt?
“I had two credit cards and had trouble with one of them. I was spending and spending,” she discloses. “Then I got to the limit and I had to pay. I was paying, but only $20 was going towards my principal. I put the credit card on the program on March 2013, and the balance has gone down considerably.”
“Before, my minimum payment was $75 and I was charged $45 in interest. Now that I’m on the program, they’re only charging me $20 in interest. My interest rates went from 20-something percent to 12 percent. I can now see a difference.”