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Personal Debt Stories

Stories of people overcoming challenges with credit card debt.

Americans have record-levels of credit card debt. We owe $482 billion to credit card companies.[1] Although every financial situation is unique, common themes run through the financial challenges that people face. These personal debt stories come from real clients of Consolidated Credit. They’ve shared their experiences with credit card debt in the hopes that it can inspire others facing similar situations.

If you’re struggling to eliminate credit card debt, it’s time to turn the page on your debt story today. Call 1-800-774-0313. A certified credit counselor will review your options for relief and help you find the best way to get out of debt in your situation. Turn the page on your debt story today.

Daniel L.

Going Broke from Minimum Payments

In 2019, Daniel had no m...

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From Dream Home to Debt Nightmare

A credit card might seem like the best tool to fund your next big home renovation project, but take it from Lisa, the debt may be more than you can handle....

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Credit – What They Didn’t Teach You in School

Credit is often one a topic that they didn’t teach you in school, that you suffer greatly for later. But there’s a way to learn better credit habits as an adult....

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Understanding the Cost of Debt Consolidation—and the Cost Savings

Bernadette says the fees for her debt consolidation program were tiny compared to the savings she got with zero percent interest. See how much she saved....

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How Grief Can Lead to Debt: Cheryl’s Journey to Overcoming a Tragedy

A tragedy sent Cheryl on a bleak financial path. See how Consolidated Credit helped her overcome her grief debt and be fiscally responsible....

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Getting Out of Debt and into a New Chapter in Life

Julie's shopping sprees landed her in $11,000 in credit card debt. See how Consolidated Credit helped clear up her debt so she could buy her first home....

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Cheryl Takes Control of Her Overspending and Her Debt

Credit cards make it easy to overspend, but when overspending leads to debt problems, this solution can help you stop spending and get control of your money....

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Solving Debt When You're Living on One Income

Scaling back to a single-income household can be tough and lead to increased credit card debt, but there are ways to pay it off....

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What to Do When Your Emergency Savings Runs Out

She was a saver and thought she was prepared, but after her emergency fund ran dry, Karin knew she needed help. Discover what she did to get out of debt....

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How to Pay Off $20,000 in Credit Card Debt

After IRS fees and NYS taxation took its toll on Terrence's funds, raking him up to $21,000 of credit card debt, Terrence sought the help of Consolidated Credit to guide him on how to properly allocate his funds with a customized debt management program....

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Why an MBA Decided a Debt Management Program was the Best Debt Relief Option for His Family

Having a high income often means high debt levels too. Learn what happened when an MBA decided to pay all his debts in full in just five years....

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Paying Off Six Credit Cards in Just Two Years: This is Tammy’s Story

Follow one woman’s journey from overwhelming debt spread over six credit cards to being debt-free in just two years. Learn how you can do the same....

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How a Modest Nanny Racked up $10,000 in Debt Later in Life 

Using credit cards without a budget can lead to unwanted debt. Learn how this nanny used debt counseling to budget and pay off $10,000 debt....

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Overcoming Financial Infidelity and $10,000 in Credit Card Debt

Rose's financial infidelity put her in $10,000 debt. Read about how Consolidated Credit helped turn her finances around...

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From $60,000 in Debt to Buying a Dream Home: Here is Lori’s Story

A debt management program with Consolidated Credit helped Lori become debt-free in less than 60 payments with no credit damage. Learn how!...

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How Felicia Went from $16K Medical Debt to a 42-Point Score Increase

Felicia's kidney failure led to her using credit cards for medical bills and amassing $16,000 debt. Find out how she became debt-free!...

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From Unemployment to $40K in Debt: How Ryan Beat the Odds

You can't pay credit cards unemployed, so what options do you have when you lose your job? Find out how Ryan overcame debt and unemployment....

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Does Debt Consolidation Work? How Angela Tackled $35,000 Debt

Does debt consolidation work? If you have overwhelming debt; it can! Learn how Angela beat down $35,000 debt from divorce and medical bills....

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The Snowball Effect: How to Pay off Six Credit Cards Faster

Wondering how to pay off six credit cards? Read Mona's story and see how she used the snowball method to eliminate debt with our help....

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Paying Off $25,000 in Credit Card Debt and Personal Loans

Stuck on how to pay off $25,000 in credit card debt? Read how Consolidated Credit helped Scot pay it offby reducing his APR to just 2%....

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A Teacher Pays Off Debt Despite Limited Income

Paying off debt as a teacher can seem impossible, especially when income is limited. Find out how Mary was able to pay off her $30,000 debt....

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Paying Off Over $55k in Credit Card Debt

When you're in credit card debt, it can feel impossible to get out. Read about how A.B. achieved paying Off Over $55k in Credit Card Debt...

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A Single Mom Finds Debt Relief Despite Budget Challenges

Being a single parent can cause challenges with debt. When her son’s father left and her balances grew, Josefina called Consolidated Credit....

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Finding Relief After Being Unemployed and Out of Savings

Unemployment can drain your savings, forcing you to rely on credit cards to cover income gaps. This relief program helps you recover and get out of debt....

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