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Expense Worksheet

Print this page and use it to track the monthly expenses in your budget. To make it easier to track your expenses, Consolidated Credit recommends breaking expenses into three categories.

  1. Fixed expenses: Necessary expenses and obligations with a fixed cost each month
  2. Flexible expenses: Necessary expenses and obligations with a variable cost each month
  3. Discretionary expenses: Unnecessary “nice to have” expenses (wants)

For expenses that don’t have set costs, you need to get the most accurate cost possible. For bills, like utilities, you can use your current monthly payment and just adjust your budget seasonally as the bill changes. For variable expenses like gas or groceries, take an average of what you spent over the past three months.

Expense Worksheet for Fixed Expenses

Monthly Expense

Current Payment

Expense Worksheet for Flexible Expenses

Monthly Expense

Current Payment

Adjusted to Balance Income

Expense Worksheet for Discretionary Expenses

Monthly Expense

Current Payment

Adjusted to Balance Income


Having trouble balancing your budget? Work with a certified credit counselor to set a realistic budget.