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Consolidated Credit Helps California Wildfire Survivors Recover Financially

California Governor Gavin Newsom called this month’s California wildfires “one of the worst natural disasters in U.S. history.” Early estimates project damages will cost up to $275 billion.

Hardest hit will be the Californians whose finances were already shaky before the fires. That’s why Consolidated Credit, one of the nation’s largest nonprofit credit counseling agencies, is offering to waive fees for new clients.

“Amid natural disasters, people need to focus on what matters most: the well-being of them and their loved ones,” says Gary Herman, President of Consolidated Credit. “Credit is a great tool for dealing with emergencies. However, the costs can amount to numbers that require people to max out their credit cards and exhaust their financial resources.”

Herman has committed resources to aid survivors by offering fee waivers on debt management plans. People financially vulnerable to wildfire damages should call Consolidated Credit’s counseling hotline at 1-866-395-7198.

Consolidated Credit establishes a specialized California wildfires natural disaster relief hotline.

“Over our three decades of service and education, our No.1 mission has been to help Americans in their time of need,” Herman says. “Whether it’s a natural disaster or pandemic, our team of credit counselors has been here to offer free advice and our Debt Management Programs, if appropriate. And we will continue to be there for California residents as they rebuild.”  

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