Charting the way to reach your goal to become a homeowner.
Buying a home can definitely be an adventure, but if you’re not prepared the journey can really wear you out and leave you stuck. On the other hand, if you prepare properly and take the right path you can move forward to reach your destination –home.
The infographic below walks you step-by-step through the home buying process. It explains how to move forward safely and effectively, and when you need to enlist the help of professionals to help you get where you want to go. By following this guide, you can get from the Point A of renting to the Point B of ownership without putting your financial stability at risk.
If you have questions, would like to speak to a HUD-approved housing counselor to explore your options, or you’d like information on homebuyer courses, we can help. Call us today at 1-800-435-2261 to speak with a housing counselor so you can start your journey on the right foot.

Graphic displaying a step by step walk-through for the home buying process