Mortgage Guide for Homebuyers
HousingBuying a home is a big step, and a mortgage will likely be the biggest debt you owe in your lifetime. Getting the right mortgage to fit your needs and budget is essential. This guide walks homebuyers through all the mortgage basics you need to know to qualify for the right loan at the right terms.
Open Booklet Download BookletMore resources to help homebuyers
If you’re buying a home for the first time, the homebuying process can be both exciting and overwhelming. A first-time homebuyer course helps you learn what to expect and how to navigate the process correctly. If the course is HUD-approved, you also earn a certificate of completion that can help you qualify for down payment and closing cost assistance.
Work one-on-one with a HUD-certified housing counselor to make sure you’re mortgage-ready. Call 1-800-435-2261 for a free consultation. |