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Learning to Avoid Common Money Mistakes

Written by:
Director of Education and Corporate Communications

As our nation comes out of the pandemic, many of us are looking at our money habits and trying to make sure we have a better financial outlook. Are you planning for your future? Do you want to get out of debt and be prepared for emergencies? Consolidated Credit put together a free webinar “Are you making these common money mistakes”. It will answer the questions most people have about financial goals. This webinar will be held on August 11, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. (EST)

Some common money mistakes we all have made

It’s time to recognize the money mistakes we are constantly making. Knowing how to plan your budget, save for an emergency, and begin investing for the future will put you on the road to financial independence.

  • Not planning: Only 30% of Americans have a budget with long-term financial goals*
  • Not saving: Around 40% of Americans have less than $300 saved*
  • Not budgeting: 56% of Americans say they live “paycheck to paycheck*

The good news is that there are easy ways to solve these money mistakes and you’ll learn what they are at this free webinar. Here are the five mistakes we’ll cover:

Consolidated Credit's infographic showing five common money mistaktes

Date & Time
Thu , Jan 01 | 12:00 am – 12:00 am
Online Service
See Details




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