How-to Money Guides
Improve your finances step-by-step to achieve your goals.
Figuring out the right steps to take to achieve your financial goals can be tricky. That’s why we’ve put together this series of how-to guides that will walk you through key financial processes that you need to eliminate debt, build credit and save.

How to Get Out of Debt
Does it seem impossible for you to make a dent in your debt? It doesn’t have to be this way. Even if you are living paycheck to paycheck, you can get out of debt. Here’s how.
Find Solutions
How to Repair Your Credit
You don’t need to pay a company or get expensive software to correct mistakes in your credit report. Learn how to repair your credit for free, which may improve your score.
Repair Your CreditHow to Save Money
Saving money is essential to achieve your goals and avoid debt caused by emergencies and unexpected expenses. Learn how to save, even on a limited budget.
Save StrategicallyHow to Save for Retirement
Just because you’re in debt, it doesn’t mean you have time to ignore your long-term goals. Learn how to start building retirement savings now.
Start SavingHow to Manage Debt
Learning how to manage debt on your own can help you develop strategies to avoid financial hardship in the future. This guide will help you keep debt under control.
Manage Your DebtHow to Reduce Debt
Learn how to prioritize credit card balances to pay them off in a way that works for your budget and goals, so you can get out of credit card debt faster and save money.
Cut Your BalancesHow to Build Credit
Your credit impacts so much of your future and your ability to make big purchases. Learn how to build credit to achieve a better score, with or without a credit card.
Start BuildingHow to Rebuild Credit
If your credit score has taken some hits as you’ve worked to get out of debt, this guide will help you rebuild your credit so you can achieve the good score that you need.
Start RebuildingHow to Live Debt-Free
Discover the best way to maintain a debt-free lifestyle. It’s not only about getting out of debt – it’s about staying that way. We reveal 5 steps to achieve debt-free living.
Take Control