The first step to being a smart spender is to start early…
The winter holidays are the most expensive shopping season of the year. However, you can use technology to optimize your budget and spending during this holiday shopping season.

Eliminating holiday debt fast
The holiday season, while filled with joy, can also be a financial burden — with the average holiday shopping spree costing over $1,000, it’s easy to overspend and accumulate debt. However, with a strategic approach, you can enjoy the festivities without compromising your financial health and be a Smart Spender instead of an Over Spender.
Paying with cash, debit, or prepaid cards can help you stick to your budget and avoid overspending. If you must use credit cards, stick to these tips:
- Only charge what you can afford to pay off during the first billing cycle. A credit card debt calculator will let you see how much your credit card transactions will increase your payments. Working backward, this can help you set a credit card spending limit for the holidays.
- Choose a credit card with the lowest interest rate. Rewards are nice but tend to have higher interest rates than other cards. If you can’t pay off the debt within a few billing cycles, the rewards you receive can be canceled out by interest charges.
- Track your credit card transactions throughout the holidays. If you see you can’t pay everything off in the first billing cycle, use the debt calculator to make a plan for repayment. The faster you pay off the debt, the less interest charges will increase the cost of your purchases. Every month you allow the balance to carry over means more interest is accrued. Never rely on minimum payments, because they keep you in debt longer.
Of course, if you get into real trouble with holiday debt and you find yourself reeling after the New Year, remember we’re here to help. Call Consolidated Credit at (844) 276-1544.
Still paying off last year’s holiday debt? Call Consolidated Credit for a free debt evaluation.