Debt Relief Idaho

Consolidated Credit helps thousands of Idahoans find relief from credit card debt.

Residents in Idaho have no shortage of challenges with credit card debt. The average household owes $6,694 to credit card companies. But residents are working hard to eliminate their debt. The most popular type of credit is balance transfer cards, which are used for debt consolidation. Still, consolidating debt on your own can’t always do enough to solve the problems with debt that you face. In fact, if you aren’t careful, it can actually make your problems with credit card debt worse.

The good news is that Consolidated Credit’s Debt Relief Idaho program can help people get out of debt, regardless of their credit score or how much they owe. Even if you’ve tried to consolidate on your own, you can enroll in a debt management program to get out of debt fast. If you have problems with credit card debt and need help to take control, call Consolidated Credit at (844) 276-1544. You’ll receive a free debt and budget evaluation from a certified credit counselor to help find the best option to get out of debt for your needs.

If you’re struggling with credit card debt and need to find relief, talk to a certified credit counselor today to review your options and find the best solution for your needs.

Idaho credit card debt statistics

The following statistics can help you understand the current situation with debt that Idahoans face today:

  • Average credit card debt per household: $6,694
  • Average available credit limit: $26,871
  • Average credit score: 711
  • Total credit card debt in the state: $6,519,938,497  
  • Average number of cards per user: 2.55
  • Average credit card debt per user: $6,764
  • Credit card delinquency rate: 7.35
  • Average credit card late fee: $21
  • Credit card fraud reports per capita: 4.02

This chart shows a breakdown of average consumer debt in Idaho, based on the latest report of Household Debt report from the Federal Reserve.

2023 household debt in Idaho from Fed Reserve

Debt relief Idaho: See our program in action!

Case Study

John from Nampa, ID

“It’s been a very good experience, helping my budget and to pay off my debts. ”

Where he started:
  • Total unsecured debt: $36,294.00
  • Estimated interest charges: $21,270.47
  • Time to payoff: 14 years, 10 months
  • Total monthly payments: $1,451.76
After DMP enrollment:
  • Average negotiated interest rate: 9.00%
  • Total interest charges: $7,408.24
  • Time to payoff: 4 years, 2 months
  • Total monthly payment: $878.00
Time Saved

10 years, 8 months

Monthly Savings


Interest Saved


Case Study

Mary from Idaho Falls, ID

“This agency took a great deal of stress off of me. The electronic update system through the website is great, too. No hassle! ”

Where she started:
  • Total unsecured debt: $9,790.00
  • Estimated interest charges: $5,241.39
  • Time to payoff: 10 years, 8 months
  • Total monthly payments: $391.60
After DMP enrollment:
  • Average negotiated interest rate: 9.46%
  • Total interest charges: $1,925.39
  • Time to payoff: 3 years, 8 months
  • Total monthly payment: $262.00
Time Saved

7 years

Monthly Savings


Interest Saved


Ready to see if Consolidated Credit can help you, too? Talk to a certified credit counselor today for a free debt and budget evaluation.