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We’re Proud to Announce Our Story Contest Winners

Written by:
Financial Literacy Specialist

Each year, dozens of Consolidated Credit’s clients and alumni enter our Story Contest. In a few words or in hundreds of words, they tell us how they fell into debt — and how they clawed their way out with the help of our certified credit counselors.

Our 2024 winners:

  • 1st place ($500): Elaine S.
  • 2nd place $250): Ryann G.
  • 3rd place ($100): Daniel L.

“These stories and all the stories we received were inspiring and heart-warming,” says April Lewis-Parks, Financial Education Director for Consolidated Credit. “We’re thrilled that everyone was so willing to share their stories. They inspire others to reach out and get the help they need to become debt-free.”

Words that can inspire others

Over the next few months, we’ll be sharing the stories from Elaine, Ryan, and Daniel in the debt stories section of our website. We’ll also share them through our monthly Advisor newsletter and on our social platforms.

But in the meantime, here is a sneak peek of what each winner had to say:

1st place winner – Elaine S.

With five credit cards charging nearly 30% interest each month, Elaine knew she couldn’t catch up on her own. She was losing sleep and suffering from anxiety.

I was barely making minimum payments. What I owed was not decreasing. Since by then I was using credit cards to meet some of my basic needs, the situation couldn’t go on. I had to face it. Fortunately, I found Consolidated Credit. As soon as I started the application process, my anxiety level decreased. I didn’t have to think about money the first thing when I woke up every morning — and it was no longer the last thing I worried about before going to sleep. I could see a way forward that I fully understood and felt good about. What I like best about this program is that my credit rating won’t be ruined.

2nd place winner – Ryann G.

Ryann is a freelance writer and part-time bartender, which means her income “can vary by the night.” That led her into $9,270 of credit card debt, and the steep interest rates on her cards meant she was falling even further behind.

When I found Consolidated Credit, I wasn’t prepared for the phone call. My payments would be only $239! What they did for me was more than provide me financial assistance. They gave me a solution to my financial troubles that will keep me from making the same mistake in the future. I now manage my money each month like a true professional!

3rd place winner – Daniel L.

In 2019, Daniel had $40,000 in credit card debt and no savings. That’s when he called Consolidated Credit, which he calls his “Godsend.”

I was married with two kids and just flat out broke. My finances were going nowhere fast. I remember switching jobs and getting a $14,000 raise and when I went to pay my bills, it was still not enough. I knew I had to change. So I contacted Consolidated Credit. My new monthly payment plan was $605 a month — saving me approximately $400 per month.

Thank you to everyone who shared their stories!

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