Debt Relief Illinois
See how we’ve helped your Illinoisan neighbors find the relief they need.
Residents in Illinois don’t have the worst credit card debt problems in the nation, but that doesn’t mean credit users don’t face challenges. The average cardholder owes over $7,000 and currently uses over 28% of their available credit. That’s just shy of the 30% credit utilization limit you can have before it starts to hurt your credit score.
That means many Illinois credit users need to take action now to avoid serious financial hardship caused by credit card debt. With that in mind, Consolidated Credit’s has launched our Debt Relief Illinois program to help residents to overcome problems with debt. Below you can see how we’ve helped some of your neighbors become debt free. If you’re struggling with debt and looking for a solution, we can help. Call (844) 276-1544 for a free consultation with a certified credit counselor.