Ben Schmidt wins big for this amazing money mantra video entry.
When we launched the Money Mantra video contest, we expected that the entries we received would have some great financial tips. What we didn’t expect was high film production value, since all that’s required to enter is a simple selfie video filmed on a smartphone. Ben Schmidt, however, gave us both. His winning video not only has great financial wisdom, it also has some great film quality, including a cameo by Ben’s money-saving clone.
Here is Ben’s winning Money Mantra video:
Money Mantra Contest Winner, March: Congratulations, Ben Schmidt!
The second winner of Consolidated Credit’s Money Mantra Video Contest went above and beyond. Be Schmidt paired sound financial advice with some pretty cool production value on his video. He even enlisted the help of his money-saving clone to bring home the win for him.
Hi, my name is Ben and my money mantra is simple. Small efforts can result in BIG savings.What does this mean? It means that you don’t need some big, radical, earth-shattering, money-saving secret to be financially responsible. Simple changes to your life can save you small amounts of money every day and eventually this adds up to big savings.
If I’m interested in reading the new novel I check the local library first to see if they have it. If I’m interested in seeing the newest blockbuster in theaters I go during the day to get matinee pricing instead of seeing it Friday night when it’s most expensive. I created a clone in my lab so he can run errands for me and save me money on gas.
“Um, sir, I picked up your dry cleaning and it’s in your closet.”
“Awesome. Thanks, Clone!”
Ok, I might have made that last one up, but the mantra still holds true. If you think about the most cost effective way to go about your day, small efforts can result in BIG savings.
You don’t need to be Ben to win big!
Ben won $100 for his video. But in the next round you can win even more! At the end of June we’ll be announcing the next Money Mantra video contest winner. This time, we’re offering an even bigger prize of a $250 gift card to our next Money Mantra winner.
Again, any production value or extras you want to add are always welcome. However, even just a simple selfie video filmed on your smartphone can win big. What we’re really looking for is great financial advice explained in an easy-to-remember money mantra. Any video extras are great, but Ben really won because his advice is so good. So take your chance at $250 with just a few minutes of work.
Here’s how to enter: