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Sign Up for a Free Holiday Budgeting Webinar

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Financial Literacy Specialist

Creating a custom spending plan to prevent crippling holiday debt.

Though it may be early with the spooky season and turkey season ahead of us first, now is the time to begin thinking about your holiday budgeting. Starting early will give you the opportunity to keep a lookout for deals and steals prior to the madness of the holiday shopping season.

Consolidated Credit will be hosting a free holiday budgeting webinar to help you “sleigh” this holiday season! Join us on Wednesday, October 13, 2020, at 1:00 pm (EST).

Traversing this holiday season

Retail executives are anticipating a 35 percent growth in e-commerce sales compared to the prior year. With an increase in online sales expected, including online purchase/in-store pickup, retail executives also believe this will lead to more online promotions as well as extended hours during Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

With online shopping becoming more prevalent, could your holiday budget suffer? Not on our watch! During the pandemic, you may have taken on a few expenses that you may no longer need or could put on hold temporarily. Take a look at your subscriptions and memberships then ask yourself “Do I really need them?”

With holiday spending in mind, Consolidated Credit is here to guide you to a healthy spending budget.

Consolidated Credit 2021 Holiday $urival Guide Infographic

Sign up for our free Holiday $urvival Guide webinar

With average spending during the winter holidays being $1000 or more, Consolidated Credit will guide your way to a comfortable holiday spending budget. Join us in October to learn more about how to set a sensible spending spree for thee.

Date & Time
Thu , Jan 01 | 12:00 am – 12:00 am
Online Service
See Details

Worried about credit card debt ahead of the holidays? Talk to a certified credit counselor to understand your options.

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