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Struggling with credit card debt?
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Can You Afford the Cost of Debt?

Another interest rate hike by the Federal Reserve means that the cost of debt for consumers just got higher again. WalletHub has revised their map of cities with the most and least sustainable credit card balances. Can you still afford to pay off your debt in a cost-effective way or do you need debt relief?
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Don’t Loan Credit Cards!

If you thought lending money to family was a bad idea, consider that 36 million Americans admit they’ve run into trouble when they decided to loan credit cards to friends and family. Learn why it’s a bad idea and what you can do instead to help someone out.
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Check Your Paychecks This Month

The Republican tax bill won’t affect your filing this year, but you may see tax benefits as soon as February 2018. According to the U.S. Treasury, about 90% of people will see more take-home income this month as the reform reduces how much is taken out of your paycheck. Here’s what you need to know…
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Good Debt vs Bad Debt

A new study finds that 2 out of 3 consumers believe they will never be debt free, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing when you consider the difference between good debt vs bad debt. We explain the difference so you can get the right financing for your needs.
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